Keeping you safe and connected
Electricity is important to everyone. It keeps us connected and healthy. it satisfies our general wellbeing
and keeps us connected with community, family and friends.
Consumer Care
Our Customer Care Policy is aligned to the Electricity Authority and Gas Industry Company Consumer Care Guidelines, by adopting and extending their recommended actions to achieve the purpose and outcomes outlined in those Guidelines. Read our policy here
What is a Consumer policy?
It’s our promise to keep you safe and to assist you to manage your energy costs. It also includes, among other things, a commitment to you for:
- Mutual respect and care during all interactions as part of our values/tikanga.
- Working with you in a collaborative and constructive way to solve problems.
- Helping you make decisions so that you have the opportunity to be on a pricing plan that best suits your needs.
- We will work to understand your situation and are proactive in offering assistance.
- Learning from our experiences to continually improve our support processes.
- Communicating with you in a timely and clear way.
- Working together to resolve payment difficulties as early as possible and, with your permission, linking you to support or social agencies to assist you.
- Working with you to try to keep your electricity connected if you are having payment difficulties.
This policy has been approved by the Managing Partner/Director. If you have any questions or concerns about the policy, contact us through the options below.
Here are some helpful links for you:
- Electricity Authority Consumer Care guidelines
- Contact details for Utilities Disputes:
Phone: 0800 22 33 40
Fax: 0800 22 33 47
Post: PO Box 5875, Wellington 6140 Freepost 192682
- Social agency assistance:
Phone: 0800 559 009
Other social agencies include the Citizens Advice Bureau, local Mayoral Fund or Age Concern.
- Budgeting advice:
You can contact the free financial Helpline from Money Talks
Phone: 0800 345 123
SMS on 4029 or use
- Useful information from the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (EECA)